Mediterranean Stuffed Vegetables

Mediterranean Stuffed Vegetables




1 hr


1 hr 30 min

Vegan Stuffed Vegetables

Big Onions, diced 5
Rice short grain 1 Kilo
Colored Bell peppers 6
Parsley 3 Bunches
Cilantro 1 Bunch
Tomatoes 2 Kilos
Lemon 5
Olive Oil 1/2 Cup
Pomegranate Molasses 1/2 Cup
Salt and Pepper
Walnuts and pine nuts
Chickpeas, Garbanzo beans 200 grams

Vegan feast at it’s best.


  1. Core the eggplants and zucchinis.
  2. Boil the cabbage to take out the leaves.
  3. Boil the chard for one minute. Drain and set aside.
  4. Chop the onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, parsley and cilantro.
  5. Start by dry roasting the onions then the bell peppers, till they sweat.
  6. Then season with salt and pepper, add a bit of olive oil and fry the rice for few minutes.
  7. Turn off the heat, add the tomatoes, boiled chickpeas, the herbs, molasses, 1 lemon juice, olive oil and coffee. Add the chopped nuts at the end, to keep their crunchiness.
  8. For the eggplants and zucchinis, fill until one inch left. The rice will be cooked evenly.
  9. For the cabbage and chard, scoop the rice mixture at one end then roll them.
  10. In a big saucepan stack the vegetables row after row, we started with the cabbage then chard, then eggplants and zucchinis on top.
  11. Dilute 2 lemon juice, olive oil, sumac and maggi stock cubes in water.
  12. Pour them over vegetables and add more water till they are totally soaked and one more inch above them all.
  13. Press your vegetables with a plate, then fill a kettle of water and put it over the plate to ensure a good pressure.
  14. Turn heat on high, wait till they boil then simmer on low heat for an hour and a half. All the juices will be absorbed.
  15. Wait till it’s room temperature, and flip it in a very big plate.
  16. Garnish with lemon slices. Enjoy it with your loved ones. Sahtein!

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