Gummies that Don’t Melt Homemade

Gummies that Don’t Melt Homemade



Calories in serving



15 min


72 hr

Foolproof recipe for the best non-melting gummies ever! 🍬🍬🍬


  1. Mix the gelatin, sugar, and liquid in a heatproof vessel.
  2. Let it sit for about five minutes for the gelatin to develop.
  3. Microwave the mixture for 30 seconds and take it out.
  4. Stir the mixture.
  5. Microwave for another 15 seconds.
  6. Stir again.
  7. Check to see if the gelatin has evenly activated, and stir again if you see any bumps.
  8. Microwave in 5-second intervals until you even out the mixture stirring after each cycle.
  9. Add the corn syrup, lemon juice, and candy flavoring.
  10. Stir the mixture carefully.
  11. If there is foam on the surface, scoop it off.
  12. Grease up the mold and pour the mixture.
  13. Place the mold in the fridge for three hours.
  14. After the three hours have passed, place the gummies on parchment paper, let them dry at room temperature for three days, and put coconut oil twice a day.
  15. After three days, place the gummies in the fridge again for three hours.
  16. Store the gummies in an airtight container in a cool and dark area.
  17. Note: At first, your gummies will be softer, but they get chewier over time. Since they don\’t contain any perishables, they will last a long time if you store them right.

View the recipe at Julie\'s Cafe Bakery

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