Featured Member: Cookin’ with Lena

Can you tell our readers about yourself, where are you from, where do you live?
I am a proud Palestinian. Born in Canada. Raised in Saudi Arabia. Living in the UAE.
Can you tell us about your blog, how long have you been blogging and what inspired you to start a food blog?
I run a cooking blog “CookinwithLena” but it is more than just a cooking blog. I major in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, so my aim is to incorporate my knowledge about nutrition into cooking. I started my blog in 2016. I love sharing recipes, inspiring people, educating people and raising awareness about topics that I feel strongly about.
What do you like the most about blogging?
Blogging can be wonderful and very fulfilling if done right. I love having a platform where I can positively influence people even if it was a small group of people. I love interacting with people with similar interests. Blogging also helps me stay committed to my passion. It encourages me to evolve, develop and improve my skills and knowledge.
What is your favorite Middle-Eastern dish?
So many wonderful options to choose from. If I had to choose, I would pick maqlooba or mlokheya.
Name 3 ingredients you love using in your dishes?
Olive oil

Give your Top 3 Food blogs that inspire you the most
- @ Rawanshehs
- @ thelebaneseplate
- @ geminibakes
What’s your favorite recipe from your blog?
My granola recipe. It’s a winner.
What’s the one kitchen tool you could not live without?
My good old wooden spatula
Best piece of advice or tips you would give for people who want to learn how to cook.
“Learn how to cook. Try new recipes. Learn from your mistakes. Be fearless and above all have fun.” – Julia Child
How can our viewers connect with you?
Instagram: CookinwithLena
Click here for more recipes from Cookin’ with Lena